Blood Symbolism: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Blood
Blood symbolism may make you squeamish, but the reality is that it’s played an incredibly important role in human culture throughout history. Blood is one …
Blood symbolism may make you squeamish, but the reality is that it’s played an incredibly important role in human culture throughout history. Blood is one …
Not everyone pays close attention to their fingernails. At least, not unless you have them done. But when they do, it becomes clear that these …
Dandelions are widely-known flowering plants found in any surrounding. In some countries, it is only considered a weed and a bane in their lawns. Although …
Dead Bird symbolism has many meanings including death, rebirth and changes in your relationships. Have you ever seen a dead bird on the side of …
The spiritual meaning of Eagles are powerful symbols of strength, freedom and resilience. Have you ever seen an eagle in the wild? If so, you …
Do you ever see squirrels out and about in your neighborhood and wonder what they mean spiritually? Squirrels are a common sight across North America, …
Have you ever seen a crow and wondered what its significance was? Crows are often associated with death and darkness, but they actually have a …
Elephants are one of the most majestic creatures on Earth. They have been revered and worshipped by many cultures throughout history for their strength, power, …
Bears are both adorable and tough. They are intelligent and intuitive. But while we have different perceptions about bears across the globe, one thing is …
In this article, we will explore the spiritual meaning of dogs, discuss dog symbolism and some of the signs that they may be sending us. …
Here’s what you need to know about the spiritual meaning of honey, symbolism and signs associated with it. We may know honey as a sticky, …
This article explores the spiritual meaning of wolves and the various examples of wolf symbolism. When most people think of wolves, the first thing that …
Rain can invoke different emotions when it pours. Some people feel calm and at peace when it’s raining. Others get sad and blue. But beyond …
They are earthy, tasty, and deeply fascinating – that’s how mushrooms are naturally. You see them when you go for a hike or when you …
Whether it’s nature’s mellifluous sound or the hush tones of your voice and breathing, sound as a whole sends different messages within the spiritual perspective. …
There are trees you hear from stories, and there are those that become legends themselves. And when it comes to legendary trees, the oak tree …
Fire has been an essential element that affects all forms of life. It is often associated with renewal and development, but it could also be …
There is something about colors that influences your mood and emotions. While it may seem like a simple response from the brain, the vibrant colors …
It’s always frustrating when your lose things. I know the feeling of searching all over your room but no matter how hard you look, it’s …
When it comes to the very essence of healing crystals, you can expect that lapis lazuli comes on top. Its many properties benefit the wellness …
One thing that is impossible to escape whenever you are going to any popular beach or ocean is the seagulls that will help the inevitable …
Moons have different faces, and with that, it symbolizes many things. One of the critical characteristics of the moon is its cyclical changes that have …
Rainbows are one of the most beautiful things we can see in the natural world. They inspire a sense of wonder and happiness and are …
Stars may seem like a common element in humanity, but they carry significant symbols and messages that could change your life. So, while we may …
At first glance, pelicans can seem a little goofy. Their oversized beaks can mess up their proportions and the way they walk can look pretty …
Nothing is as frightening as seeing a hornet suddenly flying towards you, which many people experience in their dreams and while meditating. Hornets are one …
Few birds in the world can be as confusing as the magpie when you start to encounter them out in the world around you. People …
When you’ve been a part of the spiritual journeys and discovery, you can find yourself thinking that nothing can catch you off guard. However, when …
Growing up, I loved watching morning cartoons with my mom. And one of my all time favorites was the roadrunner and the coyote. It was …
Not many people around the world realize when starlings are visiting them, with not everyone being familiar with the beautiful plumage these birds have. The …
Many animals have significant meanings in the spiritual world, each of which will rarely appear to even the wildest at heart people. However, pigeons are …
The scarab beetle may be tiny, but it is a strong and adaptable creature that has carried symbolic meaning for thousands of years. In fact, …
When you think about the world around you and the messages you may be receiving, you may be surprised to see what you are finding. …
Crystal balls allow you to lift the veil between the realm of the living and the dead. As you call upon its power you can …
Many things in this world will tell us more than we have ever learned about ourselves, with the bugs we feel and see is the …
There are few creatures as misunderstood and loved as the humble bee, with many people around the world only now realizing how important they are. …
When you are busy reaching and understanding the world around you, it can be confusing when your spiritual being starts receiving messages. Snails are one …
Walking down the road, having a vivid dream, or just having an odd wind blowing around your house, many things can be interpreted as a …
There are several things that we all know are sure signs of spirits contacting us, things that happen so rarely that it can only be …
Many things can affect the spiritual energy in your own body and mind, as well as the energy that surrounds us. Stones, signs, runes, and …
You will never know or expect when to see a butterfly, they are always welcome things to see when you go into the world. It …
In the quiet hush of an otherwise ordinary moment, the sight of a hawk stirs something within me. An unseen chord is struck, resonating deeply …
Reality is subjective. Though we may live in a society that promotes a different idea, there is a truth that many are awakening to. Throughout …
There are times when you may walk into a room and suddenly everything becomes dim as an overwhelming ringing in your ears takes over your …
Picking flowers, walking through gardens, growing your plants, collecting oils, or just using the best herbal remedies are things that we all need to do …
Cows are wonderful creatures if raised right and with love, they will be more loving than the dog you had when you were growing up. …
Amulets are quietly, one of the most worn pieces of jewellery for many people. Whether it’s for religious purposes, spirituality or simply fashion, they seem …
Roses have always had a special place in my heart. Whether that’s seeing beautiful roses in bloom, being in awe of white roses decorating a …
The way that we use crystals can be the most important aspect of our healing rituals. Over the years I have been asked whether the …
Crystals have the potential to uplift our energy and cleanse our space. As they may promote positive energy, they also can be drained by unwanted, …